Content Data Model

Content represents semi-structured data which is often ingested from a headless CMS. As opposed to Product Content or Variant Content, these content objects are more general and help merchandisers control the layout and customization of any page or head interface.

Content Collections are a grouping of related Content objects.

More details for each object can be found within the schema introspection of the Storefront GraphQL API.


createdAt: Int
[source] The Unix timestamp in seconds when the content was created.

fields: JSON
[source] Stringified JSON representing custom fields from a dynamic CMS source.

handle: String
[source] A human-friendly unique string for the content.

indexedAt: Int
[sys] Timestamp of when Nacelle last indexed this entry.

locale: String
[source] The locale of the content to be presented. [IETF language tag] (ie. en-US)

nacelleEntryId: ID!
[sys] The Nacelle ID of the entry.

published: Boolean
[source] Specifies if the content has been published.

sourceEntryId: ID!
[source] The ID for the content from its system of origin (i.e. Shopify).

sourceId: ID!
[source] The ID for the system of origin.

tags: [String!]!
[source] List of tags that have been associated to the content.

title: String
[source] The title for the content.

type: String
[source] The categorization for the content often used for searching and filtering.

updatedAt: Int
[source] The Unix timestamp in seconds when the content was last modified.

Content Collection

content: CollectionContent
[source] Localized content associated with the content collection.

first: Int
after: String
: ContentConnection!
[source] List of content entries with Relay-style pagination

createdAt: Int
[source] The Unix timestamp in seconds when the content collection was created.


Entries is deprecated. Use contentConnection instead.

first: Int
after: String
: [Content!]!
[source] List of content entries for a given content collection.

indexedAt: Int
[sys] Timestamp of when Nacelle last indexed this entry.

metafields: [Metafield!]!
[source] List of metafields associated with the content collection.

nacelleEntryId: ID!
[sys] The Nacelle ID of the entry.

sourceEntryId: ID!
[source] The ID for the content from its system of origin (i.e. Shopify).

sourceId: ID!
[source] The ID for the system of origin.

tags: [String!]!
[source] List of tags that have been associated to the collection.

updatedAt: Int
[source] The Unix timestamp in seconds when the content collection was last modified.